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Money Matters and Money Concerns

(Additional) finance schemes

Find out what you are entitled to at datgeldtvoormij

The VoorzieningenWijzer (benefits compass) is a tool you can use to find out which allowances and schemes you are entitled to.

De Geldkrant

Information on how the local authority or other organisations can support you with money matters.

Entitlement to allowances from the Tax Authorities (Belastingdienst)

Extra money for rent, health insurance, childcare, or children under the age of 18.

Extra funding for adults for sports and culture

Extra funding for adults for sports and cultural activities.

Extra financial assistance for matters such as sports lessons or your child’s birthday

A contribution to school excursions, school supplies, subscriptions, etc.

Extra financial assistance for voluntary work and benefits (participation premium)

Extra financial assistance if you have done voluntary work in the neighbourhood, district or municipality for a year or longer.

Extra financial assistance for part-time employment and benefits

Information about the premium for part-time work and income exemption.

Extra financial assistance for students unable to work for medical reasons

Extra financial assistance for students unable to work owing to sickness or disability.

Collective health insurance (AV Frieso Compleet)

This is an insurance policy for people with a minimum income and high healthcare expenses.

Special assistance

Extra financial assistance from the local authority for special costs that you cannot afford.

White goods subsidy

With a voucher of up to €730.00 you can replace an old refrigerator, fridge-freezer, washing machine or dryer with a more energy-efficient appliance.

Inflation Emergency Fund

Is your association, organisation, or institution experiencing financial difficulties due to the current high inflation? If so, you may be eligible for the Inflation Emergency Fund City of Leeuwarden 2024.

Financial assistance if you have had a low income for more than three years

Financial assistance from the local authority if you have had a low income for three years or longer.

Allowance under the Kopjesregeling

Do you receive child care benefit from the Tax Authorities and have an income at social assistance benefit level? The local authority may reimburse other costs.
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