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Website editorial team

City of Leeuwarden.


The copyright and database rights to this website belong to the City of Leeuwarden. This applies to the content of the website and local authority documents on it. The City of Leeuwarden grants all persons a non-exclusive right to use the content and municipal documents. This means you can copy and republish (also commercially) the website content free of charge. You must however keep to the following conditions:

  • for reuse of government information, refer to www.leeuwarden.nl.
  • in the case of reuse, always state the date of copying and reuse.

The website also contains content of or created by third parties, such as reports accompanying a licence application, photos, videos and other visual materials. The City of Leeuwarden does not usually hold the copyright or database rights to that content. You are not permitted to reuse these items without the permission of those third parties.

Technical realisation, maintenance and security

Cinnamon Interactive from Leeuwarden
Contact: Peter Dekker

Online strategy and user experience

Imaga from Leeuwarden
Contact: Marco Kramer