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Geldfit-test (Money-fit test)

You can do a test on the Geldfit website (in Dutch only). You are asked to answer a few questions. You will receive personalised advice on your financial situation within 2 minutes. The test is anonymous.

Startpunt Geldzaken

Startpunt Geldzaken (starting point for money matters) provides financial plans for households in various situations. You will find more information about the Startpunt Geldzaken website (in Dutch only).

Managing your debts with a repayment schedule

Are you getting into debt? The tool on the website Zelf je schulden regelen (manage your debts) helps you to make a realistic plan to repay your debts.

Find out what you are entitled to

Want to know which schemes and allowances you are entitled to? Do the check via the website datgeldtvoormij.

Do you want to discuss this in person?

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.