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What you need to know

The group health insurance AV Frieso Compleet consists of a basic insurance policy and supplementary insurance. Do you already have basic insurance with De Friesland? If so, you can switch to the AV Frieso Compleet collective health insurance throughout the year.

Are you currently insured with another health insurer?

Switching insurer’s is possible only at the end of the calendar year. Switch to AV Frieso Compleet group health insurance before 1 January of the following year. As of 1 January you will then be insured via the group health insurance AV Frieso Compleet.

The premium due and the policy excess

  • Your monthly contribution for the basic insurance is € 147.45.
  • Your monthly contribution for the supplementary insurance (AV Frieso Compleet) is € 30.75.
  • In that case, the total monthly contribution is € 178.20.
  • The deductible is € 385.

Am I entitled to the insurance?

The insurance is available to all Leeuwarden residents with a low income and low assets. To qualify for the AV Frieso Complete, the municipality looks at your income and assets. If you have a premium arrears or are registered as a defaulter with the CAK, you cannot participate in the AV Frieso Compleet.

See the table below for whether you are eligible for the insurance:

125% (net excl. holiday allowance) Single person Single parent Married persons
Age Month Month Month
18 – 20 living at home € 383.60 € 746.10 € 767.20
18 – 20 not living at home € 1,533.60 € 1,896.10 € 2,179.31
21 to state retirement age € 1,553.78 € 1,997.72 € 2,219.69
State retirement age € 1,730.01 € 2,020.01 € 2,347.26
Institutional residence € 544.49 € 544.49 € 884.03
Assets Amount
Single person € 6,505.00
Single (parent) and married/cohabiting € 13,010.00

Reimbursements group health insurance AV Frieso Compleet

More information about reimbursements is given on the website of De Friesland.


You can register for AV Frieso Compleet at the website Gezondverzekerd.

Do you need help?

If so, drop by at your local Community Service Centre.

Find out what you are entitled to

Do the check via the website datgeldtvoormij. Here you can see which other schemes and allowances you are eligible for.