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Registering with the local authority

Street harassment

Reporting street harassment.

Better protection for tenants with the Good Landlordship Act

Rules on what a landlord can and cannot do.

Mandatory Mental Healthcare Act (Wvggz)

The Wvggz provides for the rights and obligations of people who need but do not want mental health care.

Report residential, work and living environment or file a complaint

Report if something is broken or could be improved in the public space. Or submit a complaint if you have had an unpleasant experience with the municipality.

Social nuisance

The City of Leeuwarden tackles nuisance at the Nuisance Reporting Point.

Nuisance caused by events

Reporting nuisance caused by events


The local authority takes action against graffiti nuisance.

Found, lost and missing property

Report lost or found property as soon as precisely as possible.

Filing an objection

You can file an objection if you are not in agreement with one of the local authority’s decisions.

Lodging an appeal

Disagreement with the CIty of Leeuwarden’s decision on your objection to a local authority decision.

Submit or view Woo request

When requesting information, you can rely on the Open Government Act.

Local authority liability (compensation for damages)

This is for cases where you have suffered damages owing to the local authority’s acts or omissions.

Sewers on your own premises

Blockage, odour nuisance, connections, manhole cover missing, septic tank, etc.

Disadvantage compensation

If you feel that your business has been disproportionately financially disadvantaged by a decision or action of the local authority.

Submitting an opinion

Respond to proposed decisions and plans of the municipality by submitting an opinion.

Planning compensation

Property damage or loss of income caused by a planning change.

Non-compliance penalty scheme

If the local authority does not decide on your application in time, you can apply for a form of compensation.

Submitting a residents’ initiative

Residents' initiatives are initiatives organised, funded and implemented for and by residents.

File a report on misuse of welfare benefits or care

Submit an (anonymous) report if you suspect that someone is abusing social assistance benefits or care (PGB, Wmo, Youth Care).

Request to reuse government information

Request documents that are not yet public for your own use.

Excavating and moving soil

Soil quality plays an important role when excavating, moving and using soil and/or the dredged material elsewhere.

Gas pipes

Gas pipes in the City of Leeuwarden: what you can do to avoid dangerous situations.

Hotline for redundant or unworkable regulations

Are you dealing with regulations that you believe are unnecessary or do not work?

Environmental violations by businesses

Environmental inspectors regularly check whether businesses and event organisers comply with environmental rules.

Groundwater nuisance

What to do in the event of groundwater problems.
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