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Environment and planning permit

Applying for or reporting an environmental permit procedure

Apply for an environmental permit or report if you want to change something in your living environment.

Heat pumps

Installation of air conditioners and outdoor units of heat pumps


Building rules are about to change. The Environment Act splits planning permission into spatial and technical construction.

Residential subdivision

Residential subdivision is not permitted in the City of Leeuwarden.


In principle, soil may be excavated, moved or used elsewhere.

Environment (notification or permit)

Most companies must make an environmental report or require a permit.

Room rental

Room rental is not permitted in the City of Leeuwarden.

Bed and Breakfast

Are you planning to start a Bed and Breakfast (Bêd en Brochje in Friesian) or do you already have one?

Using or changing an exit ramp

If you make or change an entrance or exit to the public road, or if you want to enter the public road from your own land, you need to apply for a permit.

Tree felling

The City of Leeuwarden attaches importance to the preservation of trees and green space. But there may be times when you want to cut down a tree or several trees.

Fire-safe use of buildings

The notification is intended to ensure a fire-safe environment.


If you want to demolish something, you may have to apply for a permit or submit a demolition notification.

Zoning plans

A zoning plan consists of 1 or more maps, rules and an explanatory memorandum. This sets out what you can build or refurbish in a particular area and what the land and buildings are intended for.


In the City of Leeuwarden there are various options for placing advertisements in the public space.

Application for an environmental permit

Building, rebuilding or demolishing? Cutting down a tree in your garden or changing something else in your environment?
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