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Subsidieregeling compensatie OZB 2025 en 2026

Buurt-, wijk- en dorpshuizen en sportaccommodaties kunnen via een regeling een deel van de onroerendezaakbelasting (OZB) terugkrijgen.

Diversity and Inclusion grant scheme

Information on how to apply for a Diversity and Inclusion grant.

Grant scheme Kansen voor Kinderen

Grant application by (start-up) integrated child centres to provide children with additional opportunities.

Neighbourhood Panels and Village Associations grant

Applying for an annual Neighbourhood Panels and Village Associations grant.

General subsidy application

Submitting an annual, one-off or incidental subsidy application.

Subsidy for Pre-school education

Childcare organisations that offer pre-school education can apply for a subsidy for this.

AMIF subsidy

Grant for asylum permit holders to improve language skills.

Subsidy for home insulation

Grant for insulating windows, walls, roof or floor.

Subsidy scheme for insulation measures for companies

Subsidy scheme for companies to insulate their business premises.

Subsidy scheme for making companies in monuments more sustainable

Subsidy for companies in monumental buildings to reduce energy costs.

White goods subsidy

Grant to replace your fridge, washing machine or dryer for a more energy-efficient appliance.

Subsidy for energy-saving housing measures

Grant for floor or ground insulation or insulating glass to make your home more energy efficient.

Grant for insulating homes in East Leeuwarden

Grant for insulating walls, roofs, floors or installing double glazing.

Inflation Emergency Fund

Is your association, organisation, or institution experiencing financial difficulties due to the current high inflation? If so, you may be eligible for the Inflation Emergency Fund City of Leeuwarden 2024.

Sustainable villages and neighbourhoods grant

Grant for start-ups and existing energy saving and renewable energy initiatives.

Fixteam energy poverty grant

Subsidy for starting a fix team; a team of volunteers who help residents in their own neighbourhood or village with small energy-saving measures.

Grants for a green garden and rainwater storage

Various grants for a green garden and rainwater storage.

Grant for Arts & Culture Creators

Grant for local creators presenting or creating a cultural production.

Leeuwarden AED-network grant

Set up an AED network. So that CPR can be started anywhere within 6 minutes.

ESF subsidy

The City of Leeuwarden uses the European Social Fund (ESF) subsidy scheme.

Accountability for grants

Explanation of grant accountability.

Amateur art grant

Grant for amateur art activities.

Circular and Energy Transition Innovation Fund 2023 - 2024

Promoting innovation and employment in water technology, renewable energy and agro/food.

Wage cost subsidy

Information for employers and employees on employing people with disabilities.

Visual arts and design grant

Grant for visual artists and designers.

Subsidy Facilitation of voluntary organizations providing financial assistance

Contribution from the local authority to facilitate financial assistance.

Corporate grants

Various grants are available for (start-up) entrepreneurs.

Listed buildings grant

Grant for owners of a national listed building, local listed building or visually prominent building.

Grant for Activities in the neighbourhood, district and village community centres

Applying for annual grants

Grant for special youth work volunteers

Contribution for volunteers in special youth work.

Grants for sports events

Grant for sports and fitness events.


Grants under the Mienskipsfonds are for initiatives that improve the liveability and vibrancy of our area.
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