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Discount for buying a rain barrel

Some DIY stores and garden centres offer a discount on buying a rain barrel. These are: Auke Rauwerda, Hoyte van der Wal, Tuincentrum Beek, Welkoop, Hubo Leeuwarden, Intratuin, Gamma Leeuwarden West, Gamma Hemrik, Praxis in Stiens, Rauwerda in Stiens.


  • You live or have business premises in the City of Leeuwarden.
  • You own the premises or have permission from the landlord if you are a tenant.
  • Maximum two rain barrels for each plot of land.
  • Fill in the discount voucher in advance (available from participating DIY stores and garden centres) and hand it in at the shop where you buy the rain barrel.


  • Storing rainwater prevents the drainage system filling up to quickly. That reduces the chance of flooding.
  • Free clean rainwater for watering plants
  • With a 200-litre rain barrel you save 2500 litres of drinking water a year.

Amount of the grant

  • You are given a €25,00 discount on each rain barrel. You are given this discount on the purchase price of the rain barrel at the shop’s checkout.
  • The discount is given for a maximum of two rain barrels.

Green garden grant

Do you have tiles, concrete or asphalt on your property? Replace these with plants or other greenery.

What you need for the application

  • A photo of the existing premises.
  • A photo of the new, green premises.
  • A drawing of the site showing the number of m2 you have greened.
  • An invoice from the landscape gardener or receipt for the materials you needed to green the garden. This could be from the DIY store or garden centre.
  • A copy of your bank card.


  • You live or have business premises in the City of Leeuwarden.
  • You own the premises or have permission from the landlord if you are a tenant.
  • You are changing the part where the paving (tiles, concrete, asphalt) has been replaced by grass, flowers, plants, shrubs or trees.


  • Provides cooling in the summer.
  • Retains water in rainy periods.
  • Creates more biodiversity.
  • More clean air. Plants bind carbon and particulate matter.
  • A pleasant and relaxed home and work setting.

Amount of the grant

  • You are eligible for the grant if you replace 25 m2 or more of paving (tiles, concrete, asphalt) with greenery. Is the area you are going to green smaller than 25 m2? Ask others to join in. You can make a joint application with your neighbours, for example.
  • You receive €10,00 grant per square metre up to a maximum of €5,000,00.
  • Up to a maximum of what you incurred in green products.

Green roof grant

A green roof is a roof on which sedum, grass or plants grow. Are you installing the green roof yourself or having it done professionally? You can apply for a grant in either situation.

What you need for the application

  • The invoice from the roofing specialist or a receipt for the materials you needed for the construction. This could be from the DIY store or garden centre.
  • A copy of your bank card.
  • A scale drawing with a traceable surface area.
  • Technical specifications of the roof, such as water retention capacity


  • You live or have business premises in the City of Leeuwarden.
  • You own the premises or have permission from the landlord if you are a tenant.
  • The green roof is at least 6 square metres in size.
  • Stony substrates must comply with the assessment guideline ‘BRL 9341’, or a similar quality mark.
  • Where applicable, the roof, supporting structure and other modifications must comply with the Housing Act, the Building Decree 2012, the Building Regulations and the City of Leeuwarden’s building aesthetics policy. You will find these laws and regulations at the bottom of this page.
  • The water retaining capacity of an extensive green roof is 25 to 50 litres per m2. An extensive green roof usually has a height of 7-10 cm. It is intended for sedum, moss, herbs, grasses or host plants that require little or no maintenance, for example.
  • For an intensive green roof, you are only eligible for a grant for the ‘green’ area (plants, grasses, mosses, and so on). The water storage capacity of an intensive green roof is at least 50 litres per m2. Intensive green roofs are similar to a normal garden. You can plant lawns, shrubs and trees on them. The substrate is at least 15 cm in height.


  • Significantly contributes to increasing biodiversity, clean air and rainwater collection and disposal.
  • Your roof lasts at least twice as long as an ordinary roof.
  • The roof keeps the building cool in summer and retains heat in winter.
  • Collects rainwater and reduces the burden on the drainage system.
  • Solar panels on a green roof capture more sunlight and generate more electricity.
  • A green roof looks more attractive than an ordinary roof.

Amount of the grant

  • The grant is 50% of the cost incurred for the green roof materials. Up to a maximum of €10,000,00 per plot.
  • Construction calculation If a construction calculation is needed, you are eligible for a maximum grant of €200,00 for this purpose. Send documentary evidence of these costs with your grant application.

Blue-green roof grant

A blue-green roof is a combination of a roof on which sedum, grass or plants grow with water storage for rainwater. A blue-green roof retains more water than a green roof and can also discharge water at certain times. Are you installing the blue-green roof yourself or having it done by a professional? You can apply for a grant in either situation.

What you need for the application

  • The invoice from the roofing specialist or contractor or a receipt for the materials you needed for the construction. This could be from the DIY store or garden centre.
  • A copy of your bank card.
  • A scale drawing with a traceable surface area.
  • Technical specifications of the roof, such as water retention capacity.


  • You live or have business premises in the City of Leeuwarden.
  • You own the premises or have permission from the landlord if you are a tenant.
  • The maximum size of a blue-green roof is 6 m2.
  • Stony substrates must comply with the assessment guideline ‘BRL 9341’, or a similar quality mark.
  • The roof structure must comply with the requirements of the 2012 Building Decree. The structure must be strong enough to walk on it for maintenance and inspection. The structure must be able to cope with the additional weight of rain and snow, for example.
  • For a blue-green roof, the minimum water storage on the roof covering must be 60 mm.
  • The water retaining capacity of an extensive green roof is 25 to 50 litres per m2. An extensive green roof is usually 7-10 cm high and intended for sedum, moss, herbs, grasses or host plants that require little or no maintenance.
  • For an intensive green roof, you are only eligible for a grant for the ‘green’ area (plants, grasses, mosses, and so on). The water storage capacity of an intensive green roof is at least 50 litres per m2. Intensive green roofs are similar to a normal garden. You can plant lawns, shrubs and trees on them. The substrate is at least 15 cm in height.


  • Significantly contributes to increasing biodiversity, clean air and rainwater collection and disposal.
  • Your roof lasts at least twice as long as an ordinary roof.
  • The roof keeps the building cool in summer and retains heat in winter.
  • Collects rainwater and reduces the burden on the drainage system.
  • Solar panels on a blue-green roof capture more sunlight and generate more electricity.
  • A blue-green roof looks more attractive than an ordinary roof.
  • You can use the collected water to flush your lavatory or water the garden. That saves drinking water.

Amount of the grant

  • The grant is 50% of the cost incurred for the materials of the blue-green roof. Up to a maximum of €12,500,00 per plot.
  • Construction calculation If a construction calculation is needed, you are eligible for a maximum grant of €200,00 for this purpose. Send documentary evidence of these costs with your grant application.

Grant for a rainwater usage system

A rainwater usage system is a special tank that allows you to collect large quantities of rainwater. The system collects rainwater that falls onto the roof. There are systems for indoors, outdoors, above and below ground.

What you need for the application

  • The invoice from a professional, such as a roofing specialist or contractor.
  • A copy of your bank card.
  • Colour photos of the incorporated storage tank, pump and piping connection to use. Connected to the lavatory, for example.
  • Technical specifications, such as the buffering capacity of the storage tank.


  • You live or have business premises in the City of Leeuwarden.
  • You own the premises or have permission from the landlord if you are a tenant.
  • The water from the tank is only for flushing the lavatory and using the washing machine. You may not connect the system to the drinking water pipes.
  • You are personally responsible for proper installation. Consult an installation expert or have the work done for you.


  • You can use the collected water to flush your lavatory or use the washing machine.
  • A rainwater system saves 20% of your daily drinking water consumption.
  • The system stores rainwater and reduces the burden on the drainage system during heavy rainfall. That way, you help to prevent flooding.

Amount of the grant

The grant is 50% of the cost incurred for the materials for the water utilisation plant. Up to a maximum of €2500,00 for a home. For an apartment complex, company or institution, the maximum grant amount is €10,000,00.

Water recycling system grant

A water recycling system collects water from the bath the shower or condensation from a heat pump and air conditioning. The system purifies the water. You can reuse it for your washing machine, flushing the lavatory or watering the garden.

What you need for the application

  • The invoice from a professional, such as a roofing specialist or contractor.
  • A copy of your bank card.
  • A statement of the technical specifications of the recycling system.


  • You live or have business premises in the City of Leeuwarden.
  • You own the premises or have permission from the landlord if you are a tenant.
  • The water from the system is only for flushing the lavatory and using the washing machine. You may not connect the system to the drinking water pipes.
  • You are personally responsible for proper installation. Consult an installation expert or have the work done for you.
  • The water recycling system must comply with NEN EN 16941-2:2020.


  • You can achieve substantial savings on your drinking water consumption.
  • The system prevents the drainage system from being overburdened. That way, you help to prevent flooding.

Amount of the grant

The grant is 50% of the cost incurred for the materials for the water recycling system. Up to a maximum of €2,000,00 for a home. For an apartment complex, company or institution, the maximum grant amount is €5,000,00.

Any other questions?

Do you have any questions or are you unsure whether you meet the conditions? Contact the City of Leeuwarden. Do this before submitting your application.

Are you unwilling or unable to apply online?

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.

Laws and regulations

The following regulations can be found on the website Overheid.nl (local):

  • Environment and Planning Act
  • Building Works Decree living environment

The following regulations can be found on the website Overheid.nl (local):

  • Climate-conscious Leeuwarden subsidy scheme
  • Fees ordinance, City of Leeuwarden
  • Policy document on aesthetics