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Housing demand in Stiens

In Stiens, the housing demand in the period to 2031 has been estimated at 170 additional dwellings. This is the outcome of a housing demand survey conducted in 2021. The demand for single-family homes in the coming years is particularly high. These include terraced houses, semi-detached houses and detached houses. There is limited demand for owner-occupied flats.

In the public rental sector, it is desirable to add more lifelong housing with a (small) garden. These are homes suitable for people with (mild) disabilities or the elderly. This supply is currently not or only barely present in Stiens and could make an important contribution to increasing the flow in the existing housing stock.

See the full study conducted by Companen, a housing market and living environment consultancy.

Expansion of Steenslân

We want to provide space in the new area for

  • Homes for all
  • Biodiversity
  • Green space
  • Recreation (footpaths, cycle route)
  • Water

Ambitions of the City of Leeuwarden and Plaatselijk Belang Stiens

We want to develop an attractive place to live here:

  • It will not just be a new residential area: we plan to develop an area that is attractive for all Stiens residents to live and meet each other.
  • An inviting public area with green space that blends in well with the landscape around Stiens.
  • There is space for all target groups in Stiens.
  • Map of the Steenslân 2 area (PDF, 7.23 MB)

Urban development plan

The Steenslân II urban development plan is now ready. The plan presents a clear image of where housing, roads, green space and water will be located. The draft urban development plan was available for viewing in 2023. Some changes were made to the draft in response to feedback from residents and organisations. The main changes in responses to comments on the draft are:

  • there will be an additional 5 public sector rental units;
  • There will be only owner-occupied houses (no rentals) along the waterfront;
  • there will be a bicycle and footbridge at the Mierepaad to make the walking route accessible to disabled people;
  • life course homes will be built.

View the Urban Plan, adopted by the council on 6 December 2023.

Participation working group

Fifteen residents of Stiens have formed a participation working group. They represent a cross-section of the population of Stiens and nearby residents.

Draft design

This ultimately led to a draft design that the working group presented to villagers. This plan was well received by many residents. It generated enthusiastic responses. All tips and comments were then further incorporated into the plans. This created a complete plan that was submitted to the city executive and the city council.

A plan was thus developed jointly by all parties. That is an approach that councillor Hein de Haan, himself present at one of the participation sessions, warmly welcomes. The working group is also enthusiastic about the approach.


The schedule depends on when the Council of State decides on the zoning plan and the waiting time for electricity. If a decision is reached soon:

  • 2025 elaboration of the urban development plan into specifications for preloading and site preparation
  • 2025 and 2026 road preloading, site preparation
  • 2027 construction of electricity and other utilities
  • 2026 and 2027: start selling free plots, social rented plots, project-based plots
  • 2027 start of construction

Zoning plan and image quality plan

The urban development plan was approved by the city council on 6 December 2023. On 25 September 2024, the city council approved the zoning plan and the visual quality plan. The zoning plan has been appealed against. This appeal will be heard by the Council of State. Until then, no construction can take place. Below you can read more information about these plans.

Zoning plans

The Steenslân II zoning plan makes the realization of a residential area with 103 homes in Stiens possible. The new residential area consists of a mix of, social housing, private and public terraced houses, semi-detached houses, detached houses, barges and apartments. The buildings have a village-like appearance with variation in housing types and building heights and staggered building lines. Flat roofs are not permitted.

The homes will be located in a green and water-rich environment. The plan is spacious and has a low building density. The plan forms the natural conclusion of the village of Stiens and is surrounded by lots of greenery.

View the Draft zoning plan.

Design image quality plan with aesthetic guidelines

What will the houses look like? What will be the material or what will the colours be? What do the boundary fences look like? This is all included in the draft image quality plan. These are the so-called aesthetic guidelines. So what a building must meet. This includes, among other things, which facades should have nesting facilities for birds or bats. Future building applications will be assessed based on these guidelines.

View the Adopted visual quality plan.


We want to give as much space to nature as possible, including around our homes. Target species maps have been created for Steenslân II. These are maps of a species’ environmental requirements. The aim is for species that are already in the neighbourhood to find a home in the area. For Steenslân II, there are five target species, including the otter. The target species maps will be incorporated into the development plan and specifications for the site preparation and residential development.

View the Target species map for Steenslân II.

Availability of plots and homes

There are not yet any building plots, houses for sale, flats for sale or public housing available. It will be announced here as soon as we know when they will become available and how you can express your interest or sign up for them.


Do you have any questions about the Steenslân II project? Contact the City of Leeuwarden or send an email to steenslan@leeuwarden.nl