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Registering for a play-learning group

Register your child at one of the following three childcare organisations offering pre-school education:

How often is a play-learning group held?

Two to four mornings or afternoons a week. Your child attends the play-learning group for a maximum of eight hours a week. This can be increased to 16 hours per week in the event of a child falling behind.


The costs are similar to a childcare facility.

Allowance under a social-medical indication (SMI)

Are you not entitled to a childcare allowance from the Tax Authorities (Belastingdienst)? And is it necessary for social or medical reasons for your child (0 to 12 years) to go to a childcare facility? In that case, you can apply to the City of Leeuwarden for an allowance. The allowance is called a ‘Social or Medical Indication’ (SMI). You or your child can both form a reason for this indication.

Applying for a Social Medical Indication

You can apply for reimbursement via the online form Application for Social Medical Indication Childcare.

Are you unwilling or unable to apply online?

Download and complete the document Social Medical Indication Childcare (PDF, 99,69 KB). Send the document by post to the City of Leeuwarden. You can also hand it in at the Town Hall.

Allowance under the Kopjesregeling

More information can be found on the page allowance under the Kopjesregeling

Childcare allowance

You will find more information at the website of the Tax Authorities.

Childcare addresses

Are you looking for a crèche, play-learning group, out-of-school care, a childminder or childminder agency? You will find more information on the website Landelijk Register Kinderopvang van de Rijksoverheid (National central government childcare register).