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Schone buurtpas

Do you regularly pick up litter? Then apply for a ‘Schone Buurtpas’ digitally. With this pass you can dispose of litter in an underground container free of charge. There are however some rules. Have you previously received an environmental pass to pick up litter? That pass remains valid. There is no need to apply for a new one.

Are you unable or unwilling to apply for the Schone Buurtpas digitally?

Download the form application Schone Buurtpas and fill in. Send the form to the City of Leeuwarden. You can also hand it in at the Town Hall.


  • You can apply for the card from the age of 18 or older. Are you under 18? Then ask your parents/guardians to apply for this card.
  • The card is personal. This means that only you may use the card.
  • With this pass you can throw the litter in an underground container.
  • You can use all underground containers for residual waste in the City of Leeuwarden. Do you pick up litter in an area where there are no underground containers nearby? Send an email toschoon@leeuwarden.nl. State your name and address. We will look for a different solution together.
  • You are only given a pass if you regularly clean up litter. This must be at least twice a month.
  • To ensure that everyone uses the pass only for collecting litter, the local authority can check usage by carrying out spot checks.
  • If you do not use the card for more than six months? We will block it.
  • We can reclaim the pass once the project is ended.
  • We will not share your (personal) data with other organisations or individuals. They are used only for our records of issued Schone Buurt passes.

Have you lost your Schone buurtpas?

Please let us know via schoon@leeuwarden.nl, we will block the card and you can get a new card from us.

Does the card no longer work?

Please pass this on to schoon@leeuwarden.nl, stating the card number. Do not make holes in your card to hang it on your key ring, for example. The card will then no longer work.

Container adoption

Keep your neighbourhood clean and tidy. You can help by adopting an underground container. That involves keeping the area around the containers in your neighbourhood tidy and keeping an eye on the situation. Together with the local authority. You can do this on your own, with a group of people or with your neighbours. That makes you a ‘container adopter’.

More information can be found on page Adopt an underground container.

Organising large-scale litter collection campaigns

Do you want to organize a large litter campaign? Send an email to schoon@leeuwarden.nl and we will see how we can help you.

Gouden Grijper

In recent years you have seen them more and more often on the streets: litter pickers. Armed with a rubbish bag and grabber, hundreds of residents make our municipal cleaner and more attractive. They are important to us as a community because we cannot do it all alone. That is why we organize the Golden Grab every year, with which we put a number of litter pickers in the spotlight.

Nominate a person or group

Do this by 31 October using the form Nominatie Gouden Grijper. Enter the name (or names) and explain why this person or group deserves to be awarded the Gouden Grijper. Remember to leave your own details so we can contact you if your nomination is selected.

There are four categories:

  • The local volunteer
  • The youth group
  • The professional
  • Up-and-coming litter-picking talent


The winners will be chosen by an expert jury and on Wednesday 13 November we will announce the lucky winners at a festive award ceremony.