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Land and Property

Rights of superficies


Kennisgeving van voorgenomen verkoop van grond De Fellingen fase 1 in ontwikkelgebied Middelsee in Leeuwarden

Voorgenomen verkoop van gronden in ontwikkelgebied Middelsee in Leeuwarden.

Notification of proposed sale of land near Seinepôle 3 in Grou

Proposed sale of land near Seinepôle 3 in Grou

Notification of proposed sale of land near Gibbeflecht 4 in Mantgum

Proposed sale of land near Gibbeflecht 4 in Mantgum

Notification of proposed sale of land to Hikkemieden project in Wirdum.

Proposed sale for a plot of land of the Hikkemieden project at Wirdum.

Sale of fragmented green space

Proposed sale of a plot of land near Salomonszegel 90 in Leeuwarden.

Notice of proposed sale of land Unia west

Proposed sale for a plot of land in Unia west.

Notification of proposed sale of land and water at De Leijte 4 in Hempens

Proposed sale for a plot of land and water in Hempens

Intention to sell land location de Minne Finne in Grou

Notification of sale of land within the planning area of Minne Finne project in Grou.

Notification of proposed sale of land in Leeuwarden and Stiens

The City of Leeuwarden plans to enter into a purchase agreement for plots of land in Leeuwarden and a plot in Stiens.

Notice of proposed sale of land Unia west

The City of Leeuwarden plans to conclude a purchase agreement for plots of land in Unia West.

Tender Housing Construction De Zuidlanden plan part Unia west

Possibility to register a sub-location in the hamlet of Unia.

Proposed sale of land near De Hellingshaven 7 in Grou

Notification of sale of plot of land near De Hellingshaven 7 in Grou.

Proposed sale of land It Spyk 12 in Mantgum

Notification of sale of plot of land It Spyk 12 in Mantgum.

Proposed sale of leasehold plot at Groene Ster 10 in Leeuwarden

Notification of leasehold redemption for a plot of land at De Groene Ster 10 in Leeuwarden.

Proposed sale of land near De Boeg 2 in Leeuwarden

Notification of sale of plot of land near De Boeg 2 in Leeuwarden.

Intended sale of water plot with subsurface at De Merodestraat 3 in Leeuwarden

Notification of sale of water plot with subsurface at De Merodestraat 3 in Leeuwarden

Proposed sale of land in Huizum and Wirdum

Notification of sale of plots of land in Huizum and Wirdum.

Proposed sale of land

The City of Leeuwarden plans to conclude a purchase agreement for plots of land.

Purchasing public land (fragmented (municipal) plots)

In many cases, you can purchase public land as ‘fragmented (municipal) plots'.
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