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Three steps to becoming carbon-neutral

  1. We save as much energy as possible by reducing its consumption.
  2. We generate the energy we consume as sustainably as possible. That means energy from sustainable sources.
  3. What we cannot generate sustainably ourselves, we compensate through sustainability certificates. We keep this local wherever possible. A sustainability certificate proves that the extra energy we still have to buy has been generated sustainably. That contributes to reducing carbon emissions.

For this purpose we use the national Carbon emission performance ladder tool. Organisations can officially demonstrate their carbon emissions using this performance ladder.

We have now received the certificate for level 3.

Carbon emission performance ladder and baseline measurement

A baseline measurement was made in 2022. This looked at how much energy we consumed as an organisation in 2019 and how much carbon we emitted. By using 2019 figures, we avoid distortions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Every year, we monitor our success in reducing our emissions.

The Carbon emission performance ladder shows how much carbon the local government organisation emits. That measurement helps reduce the emissions of our organisation and our projects.
It also helps to share knowledge with colleagues, other organisations and companies.
Together, we look for ways to reduce our carbon emissions.

The Carbon emission performance ladder has the following levels (rungs)

Level 3 – Own organisation

Understanding energy consumption and carbon emissions, carbon targets and carbon measures in own organisation. Also information about the available schemes.

Level 4 – Assessment of the effect in the chain

Product-market combinations, chain analyses, participation in programmes to reduce carbon emissions.

Level 5 – Action in the chain

Understanding carbon emissions, the local authority’s strategy and policies and how the local authority cooperates with others in this area.

Level 3 is the entry level for organisations. Organisations usually make the move to level 4 or 5 one or two years later.

What steps are we already taking?

We procure our energy locally and sustainably

We used to buy energy through sustainability certificates from abroad.
These days, we buy energy in our own environment. This ensures that the money we spend on energy stays in our own environment.
We procure our sustainable solar energy through Energie van Ons.

We compensate carbon emissions from gas consumption with green certificates from GreenInclusive. This organisation produces Frisian fibre hemp which is used as a natural insulation material in residential construction. This reduces carbon emissions.

We are making our vehicles more sustainable

Most cars and other vehicles of the City of Leeuwarden no longer emit carbon. They are driven by electricity, green gas or blue diesel.

Results so far achieved

These are listed in the document Doel gemeente Leeuwarden Co2 neutraal in 2030 (Goal municipality of Leeuwarden carbon-neutral in 2030).

Our carbon emissions and their reduction

This information is given in the document Co2 voortgang gemeente Leeuwarden 2022 (Carbon progress municipality of Leeuwarden 2022).

What else are we planning to do?

Energy savings in local authority housing

The best way to improve sustainability is to use less energy. We are considering the options for the following four local authority buildings: the Municipality Office, the Town Hall, the Historical Centre Leeuwarden and the law enforcement building.
We are looking at what is needed to use less energy in each building. We are taking measures for this. These must ensure that we emit 80% less carbon by 2025.

Generating our own sustainable energy

We are looking into how and where the local authority organisation can generate its own renewable energy. For example, we are consider more solar panels on private roofs and ‘solar carports’ above car parks.