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Security policy plan

Our plans to tackle nuisance, crime and violence in the City of Leeuwarden are set out in the Security Agenda and Implementation Programme 2023-2024. The local authority cooperates with other civil society organisations to make neighbourhoods and villages safer, such as the Veiligheidshuis Fryslân and the Nuisance Hotline. The Nuisance Hotline registers reports on social nuisances. They tackle the nuisance together with police and social workers. You can make your own report to the local authority.

Community mediation

Sometimes people do not realise that they are causing a nuisance. You can talk to each other about the problem, but you can’t work it out together, you might succeed with the help of Community Mediation.

Community safety index

Every year, the local authority checks whether its approach is working and establish the Community Safety Index. This overview shows how safe your neighbourhood, district or village is and what measures we are taking to address unsafe situations.